a visit to Village Heart and Vein to see Bryan Carter, PA might be in order.

People with vein disease often complain of vague symptoms of heaviness and swelling to severe issues of pain, skin darkening with non-healing wounds to the unfortunate problems of blood clots.
If any of those symptoms sound familiar, there’s hope for relief. If you cannot relate, preventative maintenance is a good option for evading those feelings completely.
Either way, a visit to Village Heart and Vein to see Bryan Carter, PA might be in order.
“We have a full-time diagnostic center with ultrasound sonographers that specialize in venous disease, not just to look for blood clots, but to look for pathology and problems in the veins that can lead to blood clots,” says Bryan. “Our goal is to catch problems before the problems catches the patient.”
Should vein disease or problems occur, Bryan says there is an upside.
“There is no cure for vein disease but we can control it very easily,” he says, explaining that procedures are no longer done is a hospital operating room, that there is no downtime, and vein stripping is a thing of the past. “The procedures are all done in the office with local anesthesia. Patients are wide awake, and they can drive themselves,” Bryan says, adding that patients can even watch the procedure in real time. The only thing Bryan urges is patience.

Bryon Carter, MPA-C
“The vein procedures of today are magical and a lot of times, people get quick results.” Bryan says. “Depending on the severity of their issue it may take multiple treatments, but once we get the vein problem under control, the ulcers, varicose veins, the symptoms begin to resolve and patients tell me their legs look and feel much better, that they’re able to walk farther and do more things.”
Bryan says he is passionate about helping people get back on their feet, and with 20 years under his belt in the field, he has gained experience, and a great reputation for success.
As for his background, Bryan is a previous Army combat medic, who obtained his Master’s in Venous Disease and Treatment.
Bryan has personally trained physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners throughout Florida and Georgia and is an active member of the American College of Phlebology. He is also one of only a few to be inducted into the American Venous Forum