Can you lead a normal life following a heart attack?
Yes. People can live a normal life after a heart attack. If you exercise, eat healthy, lose unnecessary weight, and take your prescribed medication, then more likely than not, you will be able to live a complete, normal life. If you have a stroke, you’ll end up with permanent damage. However, if you have a heart attack, you can make a remarkable recovery. That’s because the self-healing ability of your brain is much more limited than the self-healing ability of your heart. Exercising after a heart attack is crucially important. Your heart is a muscle, and like any other muscle in your body, you must exercise to keep it strong. That’s why insurance companies encourage patients to participate in a rehabilitation program following a heart attack. Patients live longer and have fewer medical costs down the road. Patients who participate in rehabilitation programs realize the importance of staying in shape, and exercise eventually becomes second nature.
“Your heart is a muscle, and like any other muscle in your body, you must exercise to keep it strong.”
At Village Heart and Vein Center, our heart attack patients do go on to live normal lives. Our team of interventional cardiologist have undergone specialized training in heart catheterization procedures. Our practice has all the specialties of cardiac coverage because we have two general cardiologists, two electrophysiologists, and two interventional cardiologists.
Dr. Georg Couturier